Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mmmmmm Generators.......

This was a an exercise that made me crave more! The reason- I found a generator that let me create my own donut!!!!!!!!!! : (

Here I was able to create a Donut I call Nat's Specialty. I devised a donut base that consisted of sweet coconut all throughout. It was lightly sprinkled with powered sugar, and had banana icing and strawberry sprinkles for the top. Yes, of course, my donut was filled..... with a rich smooth Strawberry cream that is!

I couldn't pass up this generator because yes, I admit, I am a sweet tooth junkie. So how could I turn down the chance to create the ultimate of sweets- the glorius donut. I had such fun creating such a delicous donut...... just wish I could taste my efforts ; )

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